Alternative Timeline Books that will make you go hmm…
If you are a believer that anything that can happen will happen, alternative time lines, or that other possible realms are simultaneously occurring then I recommend the following fun fictional reads:
If Then by Kate Hope Day
A small town in Oregon is very close to a not so dormant volcano that is causing the people on a street to see alternative realties. The sideways sliding timelines let us in on some unexpected character development that is both thought provoking and satisfying.

Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkin Reid
This book was very similar to the movie Sliding Doors, before Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop! days, but it is so well done, you won’t mind. I love how the book jumps back and forth between possibilities. In my view almost everything Taylor Reid Jenkins has written is gold, this one does not disappoint.

Again but Better by Christine Riccio
This book focuses on a college student who studies abroad one summer, while that is already a life altering experience, a trip down memory lane becomes more than just that. If you could do over your favorite memory again, would you?
The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern
While I did not enjoy Erin Morgenstern’s sophomore novel as much as Night Circus. I believe this book loosely fits enough into this category to make it worth a check out. There is so much going on in this novel, it can get a bit confusing, but I like the easy way she plays with time and what is occurring when.
If you like these books let me know what you think of them, or if there is another book you’d recommend let me know and why. Enjoy the read!
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