Mom’s Back to School Book Guide
Whew… Any way you slice it, whether you are a parent or a teacher, back to school is rough! Made even more rough with the current situation, but enough about that, I am sure you are as tired as I am hearing about it, thinking about, and living through it.
Are you looking for an escape or perhaps some co-misery and sympathy? Well look no further, here are a few books to take your mind off your own troubles, by laughing yourself silly at theirs!

Abbi Waxman’s Other People’s Houses is a picture perfect snapshot into a neighborhood and the life of a carpool mom. It’s funny, smart, and true to life. You will definitely have all the feels. Some chapters you’ll love one character, others you’ll jump to the otherside, but much like the surprises in your own carpool, you will get new and fresh perspective.

This was the book I needed! Coming off of the first day of school mom blues, this book was a breath of fresh air. I happened to listen to this one as an audiobook while I would wait in the drop off/pick up zone. On numerous occasions I actually laughed out loud, quite loudly really. It is so funny and clever. You really feel like you are part of it. I especially liked the modern references that Gelman through in to really add ties to your own life. Your protagonist is the class mom for a kindergarten teacher who doesn’t believe in Hallmark Holidays and who is training for a tough mudder. You’ll really see what a tough mother she turns out to be!
BONUS: It wasn’t until after I read it, that I discovered that Laurie is the wife of Gelman, like Regis and Kathy Lee, Regis and Kelly, Kelly and Ryan, GELMAN. Those shows were a staple in my house getting ready for school when I was child. This was a small salve for the ache of losing treasure Regis this year.
DOUBLE BONUS: THERE’S A SEQUEL!! And I can say it was just as delicious as the original.
Join our protagonist again as she tackles, safety patrol, and parenting young adults and her own parents, all while killing it as third grade class mom. You’ll laugh til you cry!
Have you read any of these books? Drop me a line and tell me your thoughts, or send coffee, lots and lots of coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…….!
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