Perfect by Rachel Joyce

There are some books you come across whose stories are not memorable and a few weeks later you can hardly remember the characters.
There are others that just don’t leave you. The kind that a year later will wake you hauntingly from your sleep. This is just such a book.
It tells the tale of a young boy who thinks he witnesses his fragile mother make a mistake. When he tries to right said made mistake it sends him down a path he could never imagine, one that changes the course of his family for the rest of their lives. It is so expertly written that you are truly blindsided by the ending. It gathers up your heart, breaks it into tiny pieces, and like a dropped piece of hard candy, slowly tries to melt it all together to reform it into something resembling normal.
I highly recommend this book. I do not recommed reading it when you are sad or in a bad place, but rather when you want to escape into someone else’s world for a while and then come back to appreciate your own.
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