Remove Dry Erase Marker From a Painted Wall
Do you have a whiteboard in your house or perhaps a dry erase sheet from your favorite board game? Has an ambitious child or overzealous husband marked up a perfectly good painted wall in your home? No just me, well then this post is not for you. BUT if you do ever find yourself in a situation where you get dry erase marker on your nice clean wall, DO NOT FRET! I found an internet hack that actually does work to remove dry erase marker from a painted wall!!!!
The solution… How to Remove Dry Erase Marker from a Painted Wall
You will need exactly one cotton ball and a small amount of 60% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. (I am sure I do not need to remind you to keep it away from kiddos please!)
- Step One: Get the above supplies
- Step Two: Soak the cotton ball in the rubbing alcohol so it is wet, but not dripping
- Step Three: Rub slowly and gently over the offending spot
*POOF* it is gone!
Here is what the painted wall looked like after some intense basketball score keeping

This is what it looks like after I rubbed over a small section

This is the second pass of the cotton ball

This is the third and final pass to cleanliness

Just a few notes:
I did not scrub, meaning you do not have to really put a lot of elbow grease into it, literally just lightly rub overtop as it dissolves.
Do not do this on a large or visible section of your wall without first testing to make sure your paint will be intact. My Sherwin Williams did just fine without any damage. Be extra careful though not to oversaturate your paint as it may start to come off.
Last pay no attention to the gash in the wall, I thought it left perspective so you could see the progress better, ha!
Let us know if it works as well for you, or if you have any other cleaning hacks we should check out in the comments.
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