Show and Tell Ideas for Persnickety Preschoolers- Letter B
If you are anything like me, you get a bit flummoxed when you get the note sent home that show and tell day is around the corner and the theme this time is ***.
In an effort to help each other out I am compiling a list of ideas for when you are just plum out of them.
Today we will focus on the show and tell letter B
We always try to pick things that are neutral. Another thing we strive for, especially in this pandemic, is cleanable items, such as plastic that can be wiped down or thrown in the wash. We also try to select items that while the other kids may appreciate, would not be devastating if lost. To best achieve that we try for items that we would be able to replace if lost or damaged.
Show and Tell Letter B items:
- Bubbles
- Balls
- Bouncy Balls
- Basketballs
- Baseballs
- Bowling Bowls
- Bowling pins
- Bananas
- Balloons
- Bologna
- Blocks
- Builders
- Backpack
- Batman
- Barney
- Barbie
- Bread
- Bread crumbs
- Buzz Lightyear
- Bunny

Check out some of our other letter show and tell selections: show-and-tell-ideas-for-persnickety-preschoolers-letter-c/
Are there other creative ideas that you thought of? If so, let us know in the comments so we can spread the wealth of knowledge!
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